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background code
background code

1.   At the website, choose the “download” button for Windows, macOS, or

      whichever operating system you need.

2.   After you download the file, click on it.  That will start the installation process. Depending

      on your machine, you might need to enter your password before the computer will install

      the software.

3.   If the computer asks you how to install, choose “install now” which by default will install

      both the coding environment (the IDLE) and the underlying compiler.

4.   After the files are installed, find the file named “IDLE Python 3” and launch it.

5.   Your screen should now look like the one on the

      right.  In the menus, choose “file” and then “new

      file” to open a new window where you can write

      your own code and/or paste sample code from

      any of the book’s CodeLinks. 

6.   In the coding window, I suggest clicking “options”

      and then “show line numbers” because that will

      make it much easier for you to organize and work

      with the code.  And whenever you are ready, you

      can ask the computer to execute your code by

      choosing the menu option “run” and then selecting

      the “run module” option.  The computer will save

      your file and then try to execute the instructions.

8.    Lastly, this editor has all sorts of tools that will help you write and debug your code

       quickly.  For instance, in the format menu, the “indent region” and “dedent region” options

       help you change indentation when, for example, you are adding or removing an “if”

       statement from your code.  Just highlight the code that needs to move and click either

       indent or dedent.  That said, don’t feel like you need to master all the available tools and

       features right now.  As you use the interface, you will gradually learn more.  For now,

       though, you can start coding with the editor left as-is.  The default setup is well done

       and easy to work with.

7.    A new window will now open.  You will either see an error message (no!!!!!) telling you

      about some problem in your code, or your code will execute in that window.  And don’t

      worry: your original coding window is still there too.  This Python editor uses two

      windows: one for code, and another for errors and also output.

Sample screen 1
Sample screen 2

How to Install Python on Your Portable or Desktop Computer

1.   At the website, choose the

     “download” button for Windows, macOS, or

     whichever operating system you need.

2.  After you download the file, click on it. That

     will start the installation process. Depending

     on your machine, you might need to enter

     your password before the computer will

     install the software.

3.  If the computer asks you how to install,

     choose “install now” which by default will

     install both the coding environment and

     the underlying compiler.

4.  After the files are installed, find the file

     named “IDLE Python 3” and launch it.

5.  A new window should now open. In the

    menu, choose “file” and then “new file” to

    open another window. This is where you

    can write your own code and/or paste

    sample code from any of the book’s


6.  In the coding window, I suggest clicking

     “options” and then “show line numbers”

     because that will make it much easier for

     you to organize and work with the code.

     And whenever you are ready, you can ask

     the computer to execute your code by

     choosing the menu option “run” and then

     selecting the “run module” option.  The

     computer will save your file and then try to

     execute the instructions.

8.  Lastly, this editor has all sorts of tools that

     will help you write and debug your code

     quickly.  For instance, in the format menu,

     the “indent region” and “dedent region”

     options help you change indentation when,

     for example, you are adding or removing an

     “if” statement from your code.  Just highlight

     the code that needs to move and click either

     indent or dedent.  That said, don’t feel like

     you need to master all the available tools

     and features right now.  As you use the

     interface, you will gradually learn more. 

     For now, though, you can start coding with

     the editor left as-is.  The default setup is well

     done and easy to work with.

7.   A new window will now open.  You will either

     see an error message (no!!) telling you

     about some problem in your code, or your

     code will successfully execute in that

     window.  And don’t worry: your original

     coding window is still there too.  This

     Python editor uses two windows: one

     for code, and another for output. 

Sample screen 3
Sample screen 4
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